Yoga works

Christer Sundqvist

For the cancer patient, stress is not good at all. It is worthwhile to obtain information on yoga.


Yoga is a form of movement combined with breathing that has come to stay in the West. Yoga can be practiced by anyone and by people of all ages. The goal is not to learn to stand on your head and stretch yourself into impossible body movements. The goal is concentration, a form of concentration that one can also achieve at minimal movements, if carried out under total awareness here and now.


Yoga gives you a bigger picture of life: deep thoughts about existence and the universe. Yoga also teaches you how to avoid negative thoughts, grief and diseases. As you reach the advanced states of yoga, those called Supreme Consciousness, you are filled with a sense of happiness, deep peace and mental strength. The daily yoga moment will eventually give you tools to cope with small setbacks and withstand the harmful effects these may have on your health. Yoga is a method of increasing the body’s supply of energy and removing all factors that interfere with the energy supply to all the body’s cells.


Yoga has been practiced for over 5000 years and is one of the oldest forms of curing various diseases. Yoga’s astounding results are being studied today by scientists throughout the world and they agree on its healing and relaxing effects. In general, yoga skills require quite a long learning time. However, the modern variant of yoga as the basic course of the Art of Living program offers anyone learning in six days with outstanding results.


Yoga is practiced and taught very widely throughout the Nordic region. In Finland you can contact:

Suomen Joogaliitto r.y. Finnish Yoga Federation rf. , Suomen Joogaopisto, Taipaleentie 122, 43100 Saarijärvi, phone 014421670, e-mail, , Joogaterapiyhdistys r.y. The yoga therapy association rf, Sammonkatu 9 C, 00100 Helsinki, tel. 09637573,


Scandinavian Yoga and Meditation School, , Forssa, Sukula tel. +46 34350599

Sweden Håå course center 4637255063, , Stockholm tel. 468321218, Gothenburg tel. +45 4631241294, Lund Malmö tel.


For further information:


You can find scientific articles on yoga here:

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