More than five years ago, it became clear that Antti Oinas should no longer be alive and talking about his PESHLA method.
In 2010, Antti was diagnosed with a metastatic salivary gland cancer. With the help of cancer treatments (surgery and radiation therapy), he recovered from this. He got his life under control again and the future looked bright.
In the spring of 2015, more precisely on May 8, 2015, Antti was driving in his car on his way to visiting his old mother. Suddenly the mobile phone rang. The caller was his doctor. What he said on the phone was like a fist slap right in Antti’s face. The cancer had reappeared and now it was much more serious. Nothing could be done anymore to stop it from spreading.
Do not give up
Antti has been accustomed to struggles throughout his life. He does not want to give up. Again, he refused to give up when facing a deadly cancer. He decided to use his remaining supposedly short life to promote his own well-being.
Antti had nothing to lose. In any case, he would die of cancer within a few months, at most he could live another year. The doctor promised him no more than a year to live. Antti created a support group of friends around him and began to find out if it was possible to keep a very serious, advanced cancer at a distance with other methods than what was available in established medicine. School medicine offered him pain relief, therapeutic discussions, no hope of recovery, a waiting room for death to come.
Antti’s findings
Antti is still alive, he is feeling well and the countless metastases in the lungs, neck region and skeleton are not growing. The cancer is encapsulated. Antti does something that makes this possible. Let us now find out what Antti and his friends have to say about PESHLA.
One of Antti’s most important thought provokers was a field trip he did in the autumn of 2015. Antti loves to pick mushrooms and now he was in a mushroom forest where mushrooms used to grow. He was surprised to find no mushrooms at this time. He concluded that the fungal mycelium probably existed, but the conditions were not favorable for fungal growth right now in the autumn of 2015. At the same time, he realized that the same situation is true to his cancer. If he can create unfavorable conditions for cancer all the time, cancer may not spread to all parts of the body.
Antti began testing different methods to strengthen the immune system and at the same time created the worst possible conditions for cancer. For the most part, Antti did not feel well and many of the tested methods did not work. Gradually, however, Antti discovered the methods that suited him and that improved his health. With his unique human experiment, the PESHLA lifestyle was created, which he then began to follow and which he now shares with others.
Antti wants to understand why he is doing so well and if there might be something else he can do to improve his health. In order to achieve this he seeks information about cancer himself and evaluates his findings in his PESHLA support group. This PESHLA group consists of academically qualified researchers, health care professionals, traditional care therapists and other cancer patients. Together with his support group, he organizes small-scale health sessions in his own home and some larger educational courses, and encourages everyone else who uses the PESHLA method.
PESHLA works if you continue with the method
You will find a detailed description of the PESHLA method in a previous article ( ). Antti wants to share his experiences of how the PESHLA method has worked and what he has learned from his method over five years.
The most important thing is to strengthen the immune system so that cancer does not grow and spread throughout the body. With the PESHLA method, this is achieved through positivity (a positive attitude to life is important), carefully tested traditional treatments (a Finnish health drink made from birch ash, an ancient health drink invented by Tibetan monks, Budwig protocol food) and dietary supplements (propolis, serrapeptase, Vitamin D, C60-carbon, L-lysine, vitamin B12, alpha-lipoic acid, krill oil, apricot kernels, magnesium, aspirin pills, frankincense oil) and exercise (exercise is medicine).
It is important to interfere with your cancer using alkaline and genuine, antioxidant-containing ketogenic diet (cancer does not thrive in an alkaline environment and cancer should not be given sugar), oxygenated water and regular hyperbaric oxygen therapy (cancer does not like oxygen). The antidiabetic drug metformin has been shown to be surprisingly effective against cancer.
Many are showing interest in the PESHLA method too late when nothing can be done anymore. Of course, people in such a situation have a worse starting point for survival. However, Antti has several cancer friends who have been sentenced to death and are still alive using the PESHLA method and this pleases Antti.
Honestly, Antti admits that PESHLA does not always help. His friends die of cancer. Antti says he is scared when he calls his friends. Especially when he does not receive an answer or if a telephone number is no longer in use. Maybe again someone who has left the earthly life? Consolation comes from relatives who say that their beloved relative died of cancer but had experienced a meaningful period during the last months of life with the help of PESHLA. Heavy cancer treatments recommended by the established medicine were possibly discontinued (not always!) and replaced with complementary and alternative methods as well as other procedures in PESHLA. In addition, empathy and love as well as positivity created valuable frameworks for the important last days of life.