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The foundation aims to improve the quality of life and, at best, extend the lives of cancer patients as school medicine no longer has help to offer. The foundation supports integrative medicine, ie school medicine and alternative care methods together. The foundation’s website therefore contains information on both conventional medicine and alternative methods. The alternative forms of care have been tried and are based on experiences, which have been documented, but often (so far) lack scientific evidence. The foundation wants to clarify how the body reacts and responds to thoughts and the soul.
The board consists of five or six members and one secretary, of which the chairman is always a member of the Flander or Hartwall families. The others are represented by 1-2 physicians and 1-2 representatives of alternative forms of care.
Chairman: Joachim Flander
Vice Chairman: Lasse Nybergh
Board Members:
Peter Floman
Melita Tulikoura
Secretary: Birgitta Flander
The foundation’s tasks include ensuring that information about integrative care is made as easily accessible and easily understood as possible. The foundation organizes seminars and conferences on integrative care. It primarily maintains a website with information and content, which is updated in line with new current research and new patient experiences.
The foundation supports research in integrative care. Examples of such could be ‘How do our thoughts contribute to recovery and / or quality of life?’ ‘Prayer and healing.’ ‘Why does placebo work and can you learn placebo?’ ‘Nutrition and cancer.’ ‘Empathy in healthcare’
People who are open to innovation in the above-mentioned respects and who possess the requisite competence can be awarded research grants by the foundation.