Alternative cancer treatments

Christer Sundqvist


You have now arrived at a site that mainly addresses cancer care, which is out of conventional medicine, alternative medicine, proven dietary supplements, healthy foods and other ways to support you in your fight against cancer.

We have a genuine and non-commercial purpose to give the cancer patient support in the fight against cancer and to give hope for better health. There may even be hope for recovery from cancer, in cases where the physician has found that conventional medicine is no longer able to improve the condition of the cancer patient. Evidence exists that cancer can go into remission even if the patient is not receiving any form of medical treatment. It has been shown that many complementary therapies improve the quality of life of a cancer patient.



Cancer care is extremely individual. What works for a patient does not necessarily work for another. A good plan for a holistic cancer care is possibly when you create as bad conditions as possible for the growth of the cancer. Based on the information we gathered, we recommend that you possibly make the following changes to your lifestyle and use these treatments:

It is advisable to eat plenty of healthy and genuine food. Remove sugar from the diet, switch to a ketogenic diet and consume vegetables in large amounts. Good dietary supplements are in particular vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, magnesium and selenium. Flavor the food with turmeric and black pepper. Be especially active on all kinds of measures to eradicate the cancer and strengthen your immune system. An advantage is that the patient has an intuitive vision to treat her illness in a certain way. It is important to start living out your feelings, you must not hinder your feelings. It is important to be in a good mood, to get help from your friends. Increased spirituality may be seen and the patient should have a very strong desire to live. It seems very reasonable to invest in versatile exercise. A calm way of life, relaxing activities, meditation and healing forms play an important role.



We do not seek any financial gain with this site, or attempt to disseminate sensational views about cancer in an incorrect way. We jointly agree that constructive information is needed in a constructive spirit on cancer prevention (disease prevention), there are excellent opportunities to treat cancer in conventional medicine and methods that fall outside the traditional cancer treatment must receive objective treatment and be emphasized. We’re activating ourselves in this now!

Great advances have been made in conventional medicine. A good example of this is the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2018, which went to the open-minded cancer researchers James Allison and Tasuku Honjo. Over the years, they have developed cancer treatments that activate the human immune system and attack cancer cells. Initially, experiments with mice were shown, but now there are also clinical trials that the defense system can be strengthened with drugs. For example T cells can be caused to attack cancer cells. The methods that Allison and Honjon have introduced are used in cancer care around the world. In Finland, these methods are used especially in the treatment of melanoma and lung cancer.

There is more and more accurate research on the prevention of cancer. Cancer, however, is such a challenging disease that too many patients get sick and die from cancer, even though they get the best possible medical treatment and even though they are subjected to best possible preventive measures.

We have concentrated on summarizing on this page reliable information about complementary, alternative, functional, integrative, inventive, etc. cancer treatments, which can give hope to the patient when the physician gives up and says that conventional medicine can not help. We believe that in such a desperate situation the patient has the freedom to choose other forms of care that replace or supplement conventional medicine. The spark of hope may be lit and the patient can get better quality of life and possibly a life-threatening cancer can be completely cured. We are aware of such cases!



The conventional medicine forms of care within cancer are important and well-motivated. However, those representing conventional medicine should not have any objection to the presentation of these complementary therapies. Under no circumstances will we deny the help of the conventional medicine, but we welcome any help that can help the cancer patient. When the hope is over, this help, which is outside the conventional medicine, is available.

Radical and surprising remission may possibly result from the cancer treatments and insights mentioned here. One way to convey the information about these treatments is to put them together as we have done. An important criterion for the treatment to be on our website is that there must be one or more documented cases where a patient has cured his or her cancer or greatly facilitated his / her life with the treatment. The improvement has been so extensive that the quality of life has been raised even in “hopeless” cases. We believe these criteria are necessary, as false hopes and misleading information should be avoided at all costs. Everything must be based on truth. In many cases, recovery from cancer has meant that several treatment methods have been used at the same time. If you so wish, you can get more information about the single cases and get more information about the treatment method used. In many cases, we can request cancer patients who have used complementary methods take contact with you.

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