Personal experience of alternative cancer care

Christer Sundqvist

We have built up a database (n = 68 in May 2019) for the cancer care that falls outside the conventional medicine. Here, individual forms of care and dietary supplements are presented approximately in the order in which they occur in the reviewed patient descriptions. We have also included scientific studies. More details can be found in this table (in Finnish):


Eat plenty of healthy and genuine food, no sugar, go for a ketogenic diet, LCHF, plenty of vegetables, berries and fruits (no fruits in the ketogenic diet)

Leave the milk products, purify the drinking water

Reduce the consumption of meat, start with a macrobiotic diet, increase the alkalinity of the diet, organic food choices

Freshly squeezed juices, vegetable smoothies, Ayurveda and ayurvedic herbs, plenty of water, green tea in abundance, fasting

Sour fermented products, kimchi, Korean fermented food, lactic acid products including a Boris drink

Gluten-free diet, live food, not at all alcohol, kefir

Chlorophyll, beetroot, cabbage, petals, garlic and plain onion, lemon

Flaxseed, plenty of beans



Daniela D. Weber, Sepideh Aminazdeh-Gohari, and Barbara Kofler. Ketogenic diet in cancer therapy. Aging 10 (2): 164–165, 2018. Ketogenic diet has been examined clinically in Austria at the University Hospital at Salzburg. This high-fat diet stopped the growth of a malignant cancer tumor. It is believed that the mechanism for this comes through the Warburg effect, a biochemical process in which the cancer cells produce energy (ATP) mainly using glycolysis (they utilize blood sugar) instead of applying oxidative phosphorylation (oxygen is used to generate energy). In some cancers, growth is stopped if there are many keto substances in circulation in the blood. Healthy cells can utilize keto substances in their growth. Thus, it would be desirable for normal, healthy cells to grow in the ketogenic environment where cancer cells thrive. In addition, the lower blood sugar lowers the insulin and the insulin-like growth factors (IGF), which have the property of increasing the growth of cancer. Link:

Clement RJ. Beneficial effects of ketogenic diets for cancer patients. With Oncol. 2017 Aug; 34 (8): 132. doi: 10.1007 / s12032-017-0991-5. Epub 2017 Jun 26. In this study, all the investigations were collected all the way up to the year 2017, where clinical trials with ketogenic diets were carried out and, in addition, all the animal tests performed. The results showed that for cancer patients in some individual cases, ketogenic diets were beneficial and the animal experiments were even more evident on this point. In fact, 72 percent of the animal studies showed a beneficial effect of the ketogenic diet. Although the clinical trials were not as clear, it is worth noting that ketogenic diets could not be linked at all to a deterioration of the cancer. More surveys are desired .. Link:

Chung HY, Park YK. Rationale, Feasibility and Acceptability of Ketogenic Diet for Cancer Treatment. J Cancer Prev. 2017 Sep; 22 (3): 127-134. doi: 10.15430 / JCP.2017.22.3.127. Epub 2017 Sep 30. In this research, all the cancer experiments that had ketogenic diets as a common denominator were gathered. The patients who found the ketogenic diet suitable for themselves and who utilized it in the future, benefited from the dietary change. The weight was kept in control, biomarkers for cancer pointed to a recovery, and in other parameters that examined health, progress was discovered. Clinical trials are still too small to be able to include the ketogenic diet in conventional cancer care. Link:

Tan-Shalaby JL, Carrick J, Edinger K, Genovese D, Liman AD, Passero VA, Shah RB. Modified Atkins diet in advanced malignancies – final results of a safety and feasibility trial within the Veterans Affairs Pittsburgh Healthcare System. Nutr Metab (Lond) Aug 12, 13:52. doi: 10.1186 / s12986-016-0113-y. ECollection 2016. In the clinical trial, 17 fatal cancer patients participated, whose disease was at such a serious stage, that chemotherapy was no longer given, they were advised to start with ketogenic diets. The diet improved the quality of life for 11 patients. Everyone couldn’t start with the ketogenic diet (there were various reasons for this). Those who started with the diet and who found the diet appealing lived a longer life than those who completed the diet during the trial period or after it. One patient had eaten ketogenic and was alive even after 131 weeks (2.5 years). The research has the NCT01716468 registry number in the Clinical Trials database. Links:



Vitamin D, turmeric and black pepper, magnesium, zinc, vitamin C, selenium, apricot kernels

Omega-3 fatty acids, fish oil, colloidal silver water, ginger, aronia berry, pumpkin seeds

Essiac Tea – herbal mixture, vitamin and antioxidant drinks

Systemic enzymes, spirulina and chlorella

Laetrile, Amygdalin, Vitamin B17, resveratrol, extract of grape seed, kversetin

Wheat germ, calcium, vitamin E, ubiquinone, coenzyme Q10

Inositol hexaphosphate IP-6, inositol, probiots, Protocel

Chinese medical herbs, digestive enzymes, Wobenzym N

Essential oils, especially Valor ja Sacred Frankincense, shitake maitake-lit extract, maitake mushroom, barbed sponge preparation, Cordyceps, blastpick, shark cartilage extract

Astaxanthin, green tea extract, extract of olive tree leaf, pycnogenol, linseed oil, pomegranate extract, broccoli extract

Birch ash, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide

Liposomal curcumin, curculin, dandelion-turmeric mari-thistle product, dandelion, nettle, mistletoe

Iron, manganese, molybdenum, iodine, copper, silica gel

Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin B12, Folic Acid, K2 + K1 Vitamin, Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C, Bromelain, Melatonin, Arginine, Lysine, Lutein, Choline, Dimethyl Glycine, Super L-Lysine, Alphalipoic Acid

Prebiotes, Epicor, nattokinase, serrapeptas, AHCC – mushroom mycelia, Paw Paw Cell-Reg, Simba dietary supplements, Marine Phytoplankton 5000, Triphala, JuicePlus +



Ci X, Zhou J, Lv H, Yu Q, Peng L, Hua S. Betulin exhibits anti-inflammatory activity in LPS-stimulated macrophages and endotoxin-shocked mice through in AMPK / AKT / Nrf2-dependent mechanism. Cell Death Dis. 2017 May 18; 8 (5): e2798. doi: 10.1038 / cddis.2017.39. Betulin, which is extracted from birch nests, lowers the inflammation of cancer cells in in vitro experiments and especially selected mice. Link:

Helde-Frankling M, Höijer J, Bergqvist J Björkhem-Bergman L. Vitamin D supplementation to palliative cancer patients shows positive effects on pain and infections-Results from a matched case-control study. PLoS One Aug 31; 12 (8): e0184208. doi: 10.1371 / journal.pone.0184208. ECollection 2017. High doses of vitamin D were given to 39 deadly cancer patients in the final stages of life. This proved to provide better quality of life and mitigated the ailments that the cancer gave rise to. The control group showed no improvement. The D-Vitamin group was compared with other patients in the ward, who at an earlier stage had not been given vitamin D. Link:

Cheng W, Ji S, Zhang H, Han Z, Liu Q, Wang J, Ping H. mTOR activation is critical for betulin treatment in renal cell carcinoma cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2017 Jan 22; 482 (4): 1030-1036. doi: 10.1016 / j.bbrc.2016.11.153. Epub 2016 Nov 28. Betulin from birches can slow down the growth of cancer cells in certain cancers via a special mTOR brake mechanism. Cell metabolism is governed by the mTOR mechanism and this is extremely interesting and there is a lot of research in this area. When the mTOR part of the cell metabolism is prevented then the cancer cell dies in lack of energy. Link:

Drąg-Zalesińska M, Drąg M, Poręba M, Borska S, Kulbacka J, Saczko J. Anticancer properties or ester derivatives or betulin in human metastatic melanoma cells (Me-45). Cancer Cell Int. 2017 Jan 3; 17: 4. eCollection 2017. Skin cancer cells were cultured and they grew more slowly when they were given betulin. Link:

Yan Ma, Julia Chapman, Mark Levine, Kishore Polireddy, Jeanne Drisko, Qi Chen. High-Dose Parenteral Ascorbate Enhanced Chemosensitivity of Ovarian Cancer and Reduced Toxicity of Chemotherapy. Science Translational Medicine 6: 222, 2014, DOI: 10.1126 / scitranslmed.3007154 High doses of vitamin C were given directly in the bloodstream (parenterally) in some patients with ovarian cancer. This led to accelerated death and destruction of cancer cells and less to complications in chemotherapeutic care. More experiments are needed. Link:

Dehelean CA, Feflea S, Molnár J, Zupko I, Soica C. Betulin as an antitumor agent tested in vitro on A431, HeLa and MCF7, and as an angiogenic inhibitor in vivo in the CAM assay. Nat Prod Commun. 2012 Aug; 7 (8): 981-985. Betulin can be recovered from the birch and has been shown to inhibit the growth of cancer cells in vitro. Link:



Particularly active ways to defeat the cancer, resist the conventional medicine and its practitioners, a strong belief in getting healthy again

A powerful bet on improved breathing techniques, love your body and even your cancer, you are ready to make changes in your life, a strong dream of recovery



An intuitive view of the care of his illness, intuitive sleep work, intuitive facts about the illness


Live through your emotions, feelings must not get inside you, remove all feelings about malice and bad mood, overcome your fear of death, remove stress, do not bring to life the unpleasant that happened earlier in life



Positive minds, laughter, do not unnecessarily negate thoughts, surround yourself with love, look at life with humor, sound self-esteem, be good to others and help others

A strong experience of energetic and positive traits, a deep and positive way of looking at self-knowledge, watching comedies



Friends help, social support groups, regarding proximity, respect



Strong faith in spirituality, a higher power, strong spiritual thinking, Tong Ren care



You want to live, there is always hope, you do everything to get well, do a lot of volunteering



Casellas-Grau A, Font A, Vives J. Positive psychology interventions in breast cancer. A systematic review. 2014 Jan; 23 (1): 9-19. doi: 10.1002 / pon.3353. Epub 2013 Jul 29. Positive thinking improves the possibilities for the breast cancer patient’s prognosis. More carefully performed experiments are needed in this interesting psychological approach. Link:



More exercise, yoga



WCRF / AICR Systematic Literature Review Continuous Update Project Report, 2018. Exercise prevents the damage caused by conventional care and helps patients overcome the cancer. Exercise improves the function of the intestinal tract and this is important especially in gastric cancer. When you exercise, you burn more calories and you can get rid of your overweight, which is one of the cancer’s many risk factors. Physical activity is mediated to the cancer patient in the form of improved immune defense, lower insulin levels and attenuated prostaglandin activity. Link:

Rock CL, Doyle C, Demark-Wahnefried W, Meyerhardt J, Courneya KS, Schwartz AL, Bandera EV, Hamilton KK, Grant B, McCullough M, Byers T, Gansler T. Nutrition and Physical Activity Guidelines for Cancer Survivors. CA Cancer J Clin 2012; 62: 242-274. You followed up the role of exercise in renewed cancer and noticed that exercise made cancer more rarely appear again. Exercise was good for general well-being and safe in all types of cancer. Exercise is absolutely necessary as part of the rehabilitation. Link:



Gerson therapy, Nutritional Solutions, Jeanne Wallace, Budwig Protocol, a mountain top Japanese clinic, a Peruvian shaman



Gerson Therapy (PDQ®). Health Professional Version. PDQ Integrative, Alternative, and Complementary Therapies Editorial Board. Published online: April 11, 2016. Gerson therapy is a fairly sought-after alternative form of cancer care. This includes a strict diet, enema with coffee and some other measures. Gerson therapy has cured many very ill cancer patients according to the Gerson Institute’s own investigations. Independent and controlled surveys are missing and this report is therefore skeptical of the results achieved in the Gerson therapy. Link:

Jutta Hübner, Volker Hanf. Commonly Used Methods of Complementary Medicine in the Treatment of Breast Cancer. Breast Care (Basel). 2013 Oct; 8 (5): 341-347. The Budwig protocol is critically examined here and you are looking for more studies on this alternative form of breast cancer care. Link:



Prayer, Meditation, Healing, Reiki

Massage, acupuncture, focus on music, chiropractic care

Enema, Psychotherapy, Oil Pollution, Acupressure, Homeopathy, Kinesiology, Chinese Medicine

Healing Touch, Pranic Healing, Therapeutic Healing, Kundalini, Qigong

Matrix Energetics method, Life Vessel care, mindfulness, lymphatic therapy, get dog for you, live detoxification



Lopez G, Garcia MK, Liu W, Spano M, Underwood S, Dibaj SS, Li Y, Moguel R, Williams J, Bruera E, Cohen L. Outpatient acupuncture effects on patient self-reported symptoms in oncology care: a retrospective analysis. J Cancer. 2018 Sep 8; 9 (19): 3613-3619. doi: 10.7150 / jca.26527. ECollection 2018. Acupuncture turned out to be very effective against pain in cancer patients (n = 375). The method also reduced anxiety, made patients more alert, reduced nausea and improved night sleep. Link:

Sat CH1, Wu X, Chung VC, Liu X, Hui EP, Cramer H, Lauch R, Wong SY, Sat AY, Sit RS, Ziea ET, Ng BF, Wu JC. Acupuncture and Related Therapies for Symptom Management in Palliative Cancer Care: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Medicine (Baltimore). 2016 Mar; 95 (9): e2901. doi: 10.1097 / MD.0000000000002901. One had collected 13 reliable clinical trials (RCTs) on the effect of acupuncture on cancer patients in the final stages of life. Unfortunately, the results were so changing that one did not dare to recommend acupuncture at the end of life for cancer patients. More RCT studies are needed. Link:

Magi T, Cuehni CE, Torchetti L, Wengenroth L, Lüer S, Frei-Erb M. Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Children with Cancer: A Study at a Swiss University Hospital. PLoS One. 2015 Dec 22; 10 (12): e0145787. doi: 10.1371 / journal.pone.0145787. ECollection 2015. This is a compilation of CAM care methods in Bern’s university hospital. It is a question of child patients. The most common care was classical homeopathy. The initiative for these forms of care came from the parents. Those who received alternative CAM care showed positive results in 87% of cases. Link:

Jain S, Hammerschlag R, Mills P, Cohen L, Krieger R, Vieten C, Lutgendorf S. Clinical Studies of Biofield Therapies: Summary, Methodological Challenges, and Recommendations. Glob Adv Health Med. 2015 Nov; 4 (Suppl): 58-66. doi: 10.7453 / gahmj.2015.034.suppl. Epub 2015 Nov 1. Here, clinical research has been gathered on the effect of Healing methods on cancer patients. The results were really encouraging good. In particular, the alternative care for depression, fatigue and stress helped to reduce (cortisol levels were measured). Of course, there were also patients who did not receive any help from alternative care. Link:

Paley CA, Johnson MI, Tashani OA, Bagnall AM. Acupuncture for cancer pain in adults. Cochrane Database System Rev. 2015 Oct 15; (10): CD007753. doi: 10.1002 / 14651858.CD007753.pub3. All well-made studies (RCT) were collected on the acupuncture’s pain-relieving effect in cancer care. Only 5 surveys could be approved. Admittedly, good acupuncture results were reported, but there are too few studies for acupuncture to be approved. More surveys were requested. Link:

Gaertner K, Müllner M, Friehs H, Schuster E, Marosi C, Muchitsch I, Frass M, Kaye AD. Additive homeopathy in cancer patients: Retrospective survival data from a homeopathic outpatient unit at the Medical University of Vienna. Complement Ther Med. 2014 Apr; 22 (2): 320-32. doi: 10.1016 / j.ctim.2013.12.014. Epub 2014 Jan 8. Here, 538 people were examined, who had very advanced cancer. The alternative care was very helpful. More studies are needed. Link:

Garland SN, Valentine D, Desai K, Li S, Langer C, Evans T, Mao JJ. Complementary and alternative medicine use and benefit finding among cancer patients. J Alternative Complement Med. 2013 Nov; 19 (11): 876-81. doi: 10.1089 / acm.2012.0964. Epub 2013 Jun 18. Cancer patients experienced that they received the best help from the Healing methods when many different alternative forms of care were tested. Link:

Toliopoulos IK, Simos Y, Bougiouklis D, Oikonomidis S. Stimulation of natural killer cells at homoeopathic complexes: an in vitro and in vivo pilot study in advanced cancer patients. Cell Biochem. 2013 Dec; 31 (8): 713-8. doi: 10.1002 / cbf.2960. Epub 2013 Feb 13. Homeopathy was given to cancer patients in the final stages of life. These homeopathic preparations increased the number of killer cells (NK). The researchers believe that this form of care is suitable for increasing the cancer patients’ survival as the immune system is strengthened. Link:

Birocco N, Guillame C, Storto S, Ritorto G, Catino C, Gir N, Balestra L, Tea G, Orecchia C, Vito GD, Giaretto L, Donadio M, Bertetto O, Schena M, Ciuffreda L. The effects of Reiki therapy on pain and anxiety in patients attending a day oncology and infusion services unit. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2012 Jun; 29 (4): 290-4. doi: 10.1177 / 1049909111420859. Epub 2011 Oct 13. Here, 118 cancer patients received Healing as supplementary care. Care proved to be effective. Link:

Oh, P. Butow, B. Mullan, S. Clarke, P. Beale, N. Pavlakis, E. Kothe, L. Lam, D. Rosenthal. Impact of medical qigong on quality of life, fatigue, mood and inflammation in cancer patients: a randomized controlled trial. Annals of Oncology 21 (3), 608–614, 2010. The Chinese holistic Qigong care model was tested clinically and double-checked. Altogether 162 were examined and the clearest effects were seen in improved general conditions and minor side effects of conventional care. Link:

Angler A, Spix C, Seifert G, Gottschling S, Graph N, Kaatsch P. Complementary and alternative treatment methods in children with cancer: A population-based retrospective survey on the prevalence of use in Germany. Eur J Cancer. 2008 Oct; 44 (15): 2233-40. doi: 10.1016 / jjca.2008.07.020. Epub 2008 Sep 20. This German study is based on a questionnaire sent to 1595 parents with children with cancer. Investigators wanted to know how willing they were to use CAM methods. Link:



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